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Neuff Athletic Shot & discus demo box contents

Shot, discus & hammer demo boxes launched!

It can be terribly difficult to choose between implements based on online descriptions, especially when all the product descriptions say the same things.  The 'ideal' discus, shot or hammer is a very personal choice, and you can only really be sure by trying the different types for yourself.  

Neuff Athletic is here to help!

Try shot, discus & hammer demo boxes before you buy!

Neuff Athletic and our partner manufacturers offer you the chance to try the different styles of implements before you buy, so that you can make your own  mind up about the differences.  Borrow a box for 2 weeks, then get a discount when you buy your favourite option.

Shot demo-box

A selection of stainless steel, steel, turned and cast shot from Polanik, Nelco & ATE.

1.  Which surface feel do you prefer?

  • Polanik Stainless Steel is brushed, Nelco is shiny.  The paint finish on Polanik, Nelco & ATE shot have very different textures
2.  Which diameter?
  • You want the largest size that fits in your hand properly.  The box contains a range of diameters, so you can try them in your hand.
3.  What about grip?
  • Try a range of grip products, including chalk, resin and our own secret-recipe Venice Turps.

Discus demo-box

A selection of high and low spin discus from from OTE, Nelco, ATE, Polanik & Denfi. 

1.  High Spin or Low Spin discus?

  • The box includes both, with a range of rim-weights, as well as guidance on how to tell what kind of release you have, so test them out and see which is right for you.
2.  Which surface feel do you prefer?
  • Different manufacturers have different finishes on their plates, and the rim thickness, depth and finish makes a huge difference.
3.  What about grip?
  • Try a range of grip products, including chalk, resin and our own secret-recipe Venice Turps.

Hammer demo-box

A small-headed hammer, with a selection of wire lengths, handles and gloves, so you can try your ideal combination. 

1.  Which length wire?

  • The longer the wire, the bigger the diameter of the turning arc before release, which means a faster hammer and a longer throw.  If you are tall, you want the smallest head to allow for the longest wire, but if you are shorter, you need to work out your ideal wire length.
2.  Which handle?
  • Try out straight or curved handles, and choose which width is ideal for you.
3.  Which gloves are comfortable?
  • Try a range of sizes and finger lengths
4.  How do I fit it all together?
  • The box includes a guide to the maximum length of wire which fits which size and type of hammer.  We don't generally send the different hammer heads, but can discuss this option if you require.

How do demo boxes work?

  1. Choose your Shot Box, Discus Box or Hammer Box.
  2. Pay a shipping & handling fee and pre-authorise a fully refundable deposit
  3. We send your box next day delivery
  4. Try all the varieties for 2 weeks and choose the version you like best
  5. Send it back using the pre-paid delivery service
  6. Receive a discount code if you buy an implement within 30 days of trying the box


1.  Does the box contain every version?
    • No.  It will contain a range of sizes and styles.  For example, it may have a 7.26kg 129mm shot and a 6kg 124mm shot.  That means you can try both diameters in your hand, even though they are the 'wrong' weight. 
    • The discus box contains a mix of 1kg and 2kg discus in different styles, so you can try throwing a range of discus of the correct weight to see the effect of the different rim weights, and you can also feel the texture of the rim and plates without throwing if the discus is in the wrong weight.
    2.  What if I need something different?
    • This is a new venture, so we appreciate your feedback.  Let us know what you would like to see and we will try and accommodate it either straight away, or when we update our boxes.  
    3.  Can I keep an item from the box if I like it?
    • Normally no, but call us to discuss.  You get a discount on a new item after borrowing the box, so you shouldn't need to keep the old one.

    4.  Can I collect it so I save the shipping fee?

    • Yes, absolutely.  There is no charge to borrow the box if you collect and return it yourself.  Just pre-authorise the refundable deposit and away you go!  Please do book in advance though. 


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