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Nordic Eagle and Nemeth Special 700g Javelin

700g Javelins are changing!

A new design and specification for 700g javelins is being introduced on 1st April 2025.

In a move similar to the redesigns of 800g and 600g javelins in 1986 and 1999 respectively, World Athletics has announced changes to move the Centre of Gravity (CoG) and Centre of Pressure (CoP) of 700g javelins. 

Diagramme showing technical specifications of athletics javelin

Why are 700g javelins changing?

World Athletic has stated the change in specifications for 700g javelins is being introduced for 2 reasons. 

  1. To increase the likelihood of the javelin landing tip down and so reduce no-throws and disputes 
  2. To bring the javelins in-line with the 600g and 800g javelin Centre of Gravity and Centre of Pressure.

This may also make the transition between javelin weights smoother when changing age-groups.


When are the 700g javelins changing?

The change is due to take effect from 1st April 2025, which is the start of the 2025 summer competition year. 

Nordic Sport and Nemeth have been involved in designing and testing the new-specification javelins, which have now been completed and signed off. 

WA certification is almost complete for Polanik, Nemeth and Nordic javelins, and all are expected to be available to purchase very soon.  

 U17 Javelin Thrower

What new 700g javelins will be available?


Nemeth has confirmed they are replacing their 700g Special javelin range with a new Nemeth ACE 700g Javelin range.  The new Nemeth ACE will be available in 90m, 80m, 70m and 60m distance ratings and will all be World Athletics Certified.  They have completed their WA certification process, and are now proceeding to manufacture their javelins.


Nordic is manufacturing Comet, Viking, Master, Super Elite and Valhalla javelins in 700g.  These are currently pending certification and will be available in early 2025. All will be World Athletics Certified.


Polanik is manufacturing Air Flyer, Sky Challenger and Space Master javelins in 700g. They are still awaiting certification on all of their new javelins, and we are still in communication with their team as to when this is likely to take place. All will be World Athletics Certified. 

Who is impacted by the new 700g javelin specifications?

700g javelins are thrown by men in the U17 and Masters 50-59yr age groups. 

U17 men includes people aged 15 or 16 on 31/08 in the competition yr (1st October to 30th September), so this is normally children in School Years 10 and 11.

The rules will change for summer competition season, which is 01/04- 30/09. So whilst javelin is not often included in indoor competitions, if you plan to compete this winter season (01/10/2024-31/03/2025) you will need a current (old) spec javelin.

To complicate matters further, UKA has confirmed they will change the age categories to U12, U14, U16 and U18 from 1st April 2026.  From this date, 700g javelins will be used by the U18 mens group, i.e. boys who are aged either 16 or 17 on 31st August in that competition year.  This is normally children in school years 11 and 12.  

(See here for the technical information about the new age groups, including throwing implement weights 

When will the new 700g javelins be available?

Polanik and Nemeth have now completed manufacturing and the javelins are on their way to us.  We will contact all customers with pre--orders as soon as they arrive, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.  Nordic is finishing production and their javelins will be shipped soon.  We also expect these to be available before the end of February.  

Javelins on grass in a hard carry case 

How can I get a new spec 700g javelin?

All 700g javelins are available to order now - simply click the products below!  Javelins will be dispatched in early 2025 once available from manufacturers.


Don't stress about getting a new javelin in time for April 2025 - order now and we'll send it as soon as they are available!

What if I need a 700g javelin now?

We do not have any old-spec 700g javelins. 

If you need a 700g javelin for the 2024/5 winter season, it is probably best to borrow one from a friend or local club.  You might consider purchasing a second-hand javelin for 2024 instead. There are a number of Facebook selling groups for javelins which are worth a look. Make sure you check for damage (e.g. dents, bends or loose grip) before purchasing.

Masters athletes looking to upgrade their javelin would probably be advised to delay their purchase until the new javelins are available. 

Can current specification 700g javelins be converted to the new rules?

It is unlikely to be possible to convert current javelins to the new specifications. 

We are in touch with major manufacturers and will be offering refurbishments if possible. This would save a lot of javelins from being thrown away, and save a lot of environmental and financial cost, so we have fingers crossed it will be feasible.  However, we suspect it is unlikely to be the case.

We are investigating recycling options, and will update this page as and when we have more information.

Old 700g javelins will be able to be used for training purposes.


*Source: Competition and Technical Rule Amendments August 2, World Athletics, TR38.10, P54

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Neuff Athletic - September 16, 2024

We are not aware of any proposed changes for the 500g javelin at this time. WA publishes regular updates to their technical rules, so we will keep an eye out for any future information.

Pat Moore - September 16, 2024

Are similar changes proposed for the 500gr Javelin

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