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Hyperspin Discus

by Denfi

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Denfi's Hyperspin Discus are exceptionally well engineered discus, with a 0.001% accuracy.  Denfi discus have used by medal winners in major events for more than 20 years.  Aerodynamically excellent and when thrown correctly can travel up to 10% further. 

  • High Spin Discus
  • Chromed rim
  • 78% polycarbonate sides
  • Spin rate 8 to 12 rps
  • Rim weight approx 75%

Available options:

  • 1kg
  • 1.5kg
  • 1.75kg
  • 2kg

Please check the weight specification for the correct weight for your gender and age


1.75kg: I-08-0409

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Read this useful article by the England Throws Camp

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We have partnered with top UK coaches Stuart Carlaw, Paul Wilson, Gary Herrington and David Turner to review your throwing and recommend specific implements personalised to you.  Find out how here