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Stryd: Training and Racing with Power

Can you use the wind to your advantage? With Stryd, it is now possible.

Every runner wants to perfectly pace their run. They want to be running just as strong at the end of the run as they did at the beginning. However, that task becomes difficult when the wind rolls in. The wind is unpredictable and unavoidable which makes it one of the biggest threats to perfect pacing.

While the wind may threaten your run, it does not need to ruin your run.

Stryd gives you a fair advantage on race day

Now, with Stryd, you will beg for windy weather on race day because it gives you the opportunity to place better than on a perfectly clear day. You gain a fair advantage on windy days by receiving real-time insight into how the wind is affecting you, an edge that your competition does not have access to. You will run within your means while your competition is continually zapped of energy. You can perfectly pace in gusty headwinds, tailwind, and even minimize the wind by drafting. Imperfect weather will no longer disrupt your perfect pacing.


Case #1: Headwinds

It is tempting to write off any expectation of success on race day when the forecast calls for wind. Most runners will mentally overestimate the effects of minor winds and this mental roadblock will prevent them from running to their full potential. While the wind’s effects are unavoidable, that does not mean that you should race poorly.

With Stryd, you will know the proper intensity to run at when a headwind rolls in. It is a practice of threading the needle. You will not run so fast as to burn yourself out into the headwind. You will not run so slow that you are giving up crucial time. The result of running into a headwind with Stryd is a perfect pacing strategy that aligns your real-time effort with your capability.


Case #2: Tailwinds

While you cannot easily detect the tailwind, Stryd can. Think back to your last windy run. You were itching for a tailwind after a long stretch of running directly into a wind. After you made the turn, you expected the tailwind to easily carry you. However, the result was disappointing. You could not feel the tailwind.

While a tailwind can help you negate the effects of air resistance, it is nearly impossible to feel a tailwind since you are often running faster than the wind is blowing. This leaves a difficult question: how fast should you run with a tailwind that you cannot feel?

Stryd tells you if you should pick up your effort from the tailwind, so you can gain a measurable advantage without the risk of exhaustion from pushing too hard.


Case #3: Finally, you can draft like a pro

Stryd reports the energy you save while drafting so you can create real-time drafting strategies. We believe that the new Stryd will forever change how elites and amateurs approach racing. Drafting is one of the most strategic moves you can make in the middle of a race. You can run faster than if you were running alone as a result of a draft. However, drafting is rarely successfully accomplished in practice because it has previously been hard to actually know when you are doing it effectively or not.

The drafting zone is very tight in running. You can run right behind another runner but unless you are in the perfect drafting zone you may not be getting a benefit.

Stryd also brings incredible precision to your drafting strategy. It is easy to see how much energy you are saving as a result of a draft. This information is valuable if you are looking to make a breakaway from your group or if you are looking to continually trade lead runner duties with a partner. Now, you will capitalize on drafting opportunities with confidence.

Gwen Jorgensen on Stryd

Click Below to Buy Your Stryd Now and Get Ahead of the Competition

Stryd power meter and wind meter for running

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