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Learning from the Pro Athletes by Chris Dyrmishi

Learning from the Pro Athletes!



Javelin Throw Techniques for Beginners

When you initially got into the sport of throwing, what was your first move? I went onto YouTube and spent hours watching throwers from the past and the present. The first thing I noticed was that these athletes all had different techniques. From young athletes to professionals, everyone approached the throw differently and executed the throw differently – whether this was a technical difference or otherwise.

In this blog, we will be analysing some key differences between two of the best Discus throwers in the world! Let us start by looking at a pair of great male discus throwers: Kristjan Ceh (Slovenia) and Daniel Stahl (Sweden).


Discus Throwing Technique Step by Step

Throwing Techniques for Athletes

Throwing Techniques for Athletes

To conclude, it is clear that Kristjan Ceh is more of a controlled and position-based thrower. Ceh uses his height and length to optimise his technique and maximise distance. For example, Kristjan Ceh catches the disc much deeper than Daniel Stahl and stays closed longer. Stahl cannot do this as his technique on a macro scale is much 'faster'. On the other hand, Daniel Stahl relies on his physical stature, power, and speed to maximise output.

How To Throw a Shot Put


  1. When watching the pros, picking up small things that they do and implementing them into your throw can certainly be a good thing – but never try to copy another thrower's technique completely. No two athletes are the same; therefore, this will not work in most cases. As an athlete, you need to work towards moulding together your technique, cues and find what works best for you. It would be best if you create, experience positions and/or feelings in the throw that you can replicate to produce the best results.
  2. Use your physical attributes to your advantage! If you are a tall Shot Putter, it is more likely that you will find success throwing like a taller thrower, such as Ryan Crouser, rather than Reese Hoffa. The same goes for the other end of the spectrum. If you are on the shorter side, look at Shot Putters like Raven Saunders or Nick Ponzio.
  3. A throw should not start faster than it ends. Athletes need to use the back of the circle or runway to set themselves up to go big at the finish. An example of this in the Shot Put or Discus is to go slow out of the back. Once your foot touches down in the middle, speed up and when both feet are on the ground, speed up even more, to finish with maximal release velocity. The release of the implement should be the fastest part of the throw. 'Slow, fast, faster.'
  4. Reps, reps, reps. Athletes need to be getting in plenty of throws a week to implement technical changes. Throwing multiple times a week and consistently working on the necessary technical items is the only way to improve the throw.
  5. It does not matter if your technique looks different to the pros. All that matters is that you are hitting certain positions. Biomechanically, some positions are crucial – so if you are hitting those, you are on the right track!
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