ATE Supra Black Discus
by ATE
The ATE Supra discus is recommended by champions around the globe. With ATE's trademark Terragrip rim and precision-engineered plastic side plates, this is a joy to throw.
The high rim weight gives the Supra an unmatched super stable flight.
- Black Plastic Sides
- Stainless Steel Rim
- High Spin Discus
- Rim weight: Approx. 83%
- 2kg World Athletics certified: I-05-0329
- 1.75kg 1-05-0342
1.5kg l-08-0401 - 1kg 1-05-0328
Need help to choose a discus?
- Read this useful article by the England Throws Camp
- Ask an expert discus coach? Top UK coaches Stuart Carlaw, Paul Wilson, Gary Herrington and David Turner have partnered with Neuff to review videos of your throwing and recommend specific implements personalised to you. Click here to find out how.
- Try a range of discus for yourself. Contact us to book our demo box for 2 weeks.
Please check the weight specification for the correct weight for your gender and age