Standing Long Jump Metromat - 3 sizes
by Eveque
The Eveque Sportshall Metromat for standing long jump is a tried-and-tested staple of Sportshall Competitions.
The two footed jump from a standing position is a test of co-ordination and leg strength, used by pro-athletes to test explosive power and strength. The current world record is now over 3.60m.
Standing Long Jump Metromat Features
- Lightweight, yet heavy duty mat with non-slip surface
- Graduated landing mat with 1cm lines in 5cm sections.
- Laminated activity card supplied.
- Folds for easy storage
- Competition Metromat features extra-thick foam landing area with wooden take-off boards.
The Sportshall Metromat comes in three options:
- Infant & Primary. 3.5m long: 2.5m measurement section plus 1m standing start section.
- Intermediate - all ages. 4.5m long: 2.5m measurement section plus 2m standing start section with 2 start line options for different abilities. Bag included.
- Competition - all ages. 5m long: 2.5m measurement section with additional safety border. 2.5m take-off section with 2 start line options for different abilities.