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Top 5 Shot Put & Discus Drills to Improve Your Athletic Technique by Chris Dyrmishi

Top 5 Shot Put & Discus Drills: Improve Your Athletic Technique!


Shot Put and Discus Technique for Athletes

Breaking down the throw into smaller parts can help teach an athlete positive movement patterns and can assist in teaching more complicated movements. These smaller segments, which have been taken from the throw and adapted, can be referred to as 'drills'.

Used by athletes from beginners to professionals all over the world, you can drill just about any part of the throw, depending on your requirements.

Below are five of the best drills you can use!


The most frequently used and one of the most efficient drills is the 'dry drill'. Essentially, this is a full throw at normal speed - just without an implement. This simulates a normal throw and allows athletes to work on certain technical items and cues without actually causing as much fatigue through throwing.

If you want to add some variables to this drill, you can have your athlete holding a medicine ball or other weighted equipment to simulate the throwing implement.


Half turns are arguably the most important drill to use when isolating the middle to the front of the circle. Below we can see Tom Walsh throwing well over 20m with a half turn.

Start at a comfortable pace and speed it up whilst working on your technique for optimal results.

Video Credit: Tom Walsh (@tomwalshnzl)


Allegedly coined the 'South African' by South African thrower Rolf van Aufenbloch, this drill is a lot more like a full throw in comparison to half turns. This drill begins at the entry point of a full throw and requires the athlete to execute the rest of the rotational throw as normal.


One of the most successful gliders on the planet, Lijiao Gong has her own set of drills that she has used for years on end. An example of this is the Gong drill.

It is similar to a dry drill, but instead of simulating the release at the end of the throw, Gong gets into the power position and whilst holding it, she jumps up as high as possible. This drill exaggerates the use of an athlete's legs in the throw.

Below is a bonus drill that is performed by Gong!


Another drill used by athletes all over the world is the A Drill. The athlete will start at the back of the circle in the throw as normal. Rather than driving to the front of the circle, they will 'fall back' into the front of the circle whilst keeping their starting foot on the ground. This creates an 'A' with the athlete's legs. While they are in this position, the athlete will drive from the starting foot (back of the circle) and finish the throw off as explosively and dynamically as possible.

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